Monday, May 17, 2010

sorry.. another slow day

Wow I am sooo sorry! It was a rainy day on top of this recent growth spurt. Atlas has been latched to me non-stop and then add some rain and the two of us passed out for a nap and well, he is still on the bed and I am wondering if I can get some stuff done before my breast explode.

I feel like I am letting you guys down.. one of those ridiculous guilt/balancing acts. I shouldn't even be worrying about it. Life should revolve around the baby and for the past 3 days, it has. Thanks for being patient with me... I am back I hope.


Jennifer said...

What a cutie! Take your time your blog will be here waiting but he won't be that little for long.

Crystal The Coupon Momma said...

Any Woman that has children will know its not easy taking care of the children and finding good deal and your a BFM on top of it all. I know when my dd was that little all i did was bf her lol and i didnt have time for any thing. You take your time we love your blog and the good work you do for all of us.

Catherine said...

You are not letting me down at all! All of the moms will understand. I'm not going anywhere. Truth be told, SC got that same downpour of rain and I napped with my boys :)