Sunday, October 30, 2011

Giveaway - $100 Black Friday Blowout (only a few days left!)

If you don't see the giveaway below, click on the title of this post!

I have teamed up with several other bloggers to offer you the chance to win $100 in gift cards!!! Perfect timing for the holidays! Tell your friends! My sister and I go in on giveaways all the time and offer to split them no matter who wins! Maybe you have a friend like that too! It's like having double entries!!!


BabyStacy777 said...

My Shopping list for black friday consitst of being at target for 2 cabbage patch kids dolls and some kitchen maid deals :) at kohls


BabyStacy777 said...

my black friday lists consists of waiting at target for 2 cabbage patch kids, and kohls for kitchen aid mixer :)

BabyStacy777 said...

my black fri. list consists of target and kohls, waiting for 2 cabbage patch kids dolls

BabyStacy777 said...

my black fri. list consists of target and kohls, waiting for 2 cabbage patch kids dolls

pchefmaggie said...

Not sure what my list is this time...I usually wait for the fliers, then look at my list of people, then check the budget and go from there. I LOVE doing the crazy BF shopping. It's chaotic and fun and totally out of my norm.

Maggie (pchefmaggie at yahoo dot com)

pchefmaggie said...

(hope it doesn't post twice, the thing was giving me problems?)

I don't have a list until I sit down after Thanksgiving dinner with fliers, lists, and my budget. Being open to what the deals are really helps for me. I love the chaos and excitement. And it's so far out of my norm. Love it. Hubs thinks I am crazy!

BeaDandelion said...

I haven't begun to think of shopping.