Saturday, May 01, 2010

Wow Wow Wubzy - $2/1 DVD + rebate

Attention Tiffaney and my nephew... is he even into Wow Wow Wubzy anymore?

It was ADORABLE when he would come over at 18-19 months old and would climb onto my husband's lap in front of the computer and mumble random things. One day Bob understood him. I was outside with my sister and when we went in to see what the boys were up to, my nephew had somehow gotten Bob to go to and apparently freaked out over Wow Wow Wubzy, so Bob clicked on it and they played some of the Wow Wow Wubzy games. a-freaking-dorable! (on both of their parts)

Right now there is a coupon for $2 off 1 DVD of Wow Wow Wubzy on

THEN.. make it even better: Use this rebate for $3 back when you buy 2 bottles of First Juice and a Wubbzy DVD. You can go here to print the form.

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