Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Homemade - I made the Candy Corn cookies!

... And honestly it took me all day! But they looked cute!

If you recall I posted these the other day.
... mine didn't turn out quite the same...

 I LOVE this time of year... My mixer gets a lot of use! I saved the egg whites (and broken yolk) for omelets later this week!
 I am pretty OCD when it comes to cleaning... this was as messy as it got.
 That is after I got all 3 layers smoothed out. The wax paper worked a.maze.ing!!
You dont have to fill the pan base, you want each layer to be about half an inch... I had problems with it drying out.
 I dont know how the other blogger got her layers so thin, but when I started cutting, the layers started coming apart.
Once I had the sliced, I put a moist paper towel over each layer and had to even rub the layers back together in several places. Then you cut them into triangles.
 sprinkle or dip the ends in sprinkles...
 My first pan was not a happy pan...
But they turned out OK and just got better and better!!! I took them around to neighbors tonight... I think they were a hit!

Try it! Send me your tips and tricks to make it better! And if you have any other seasonal favorites, email them to me! Beadandelion at gmail dot com!

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