Monday, March 14, 2011

House Party - Fill ouit a bracket for a VIP Pass

House Party March Madness  
Like college basketball? Play alongside House Party staff to predict this year's tournament. The winner will get the chance to host the House Party of his/her choice, plus an extra $100 to make it extra epic! Here's the deal:
  • Fill out a bracket on our ESPN page using your House Party username_hp. This allows us to keep track of our winners.
    • As an example, if your House Party username is bballfan22, your ESPN member name / bracket entry should be bballfan22_hp.
  • In order to be eligible to win, your bracket must be filled out by THURSDAY, MARCH 17th.
  • The best bracket wins the grand prize, but the top five winners receive VIP passes as well! Full prize info can be found here.
  • Check Facebook and Twitter for updates. We'll be tweeting with the hashtag #pickshp.
  • Keep an eye out for House Party staff! You'll recognize us because we'll have "staff" after our names instead of "hp." Not to worry, we aren't competing for prizes — just bragging rights!
For the full story, check out our official page.

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