Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Safety Alert - Do you have a way out of a sinking car?

I know... something you NEVER want to think about, right?

Yesterday a 26 year old mother drove into a retention pond and it took 30 minutes for 3 good Samaritans to pull her out... alive somehow. But she did not survive.

We have talked about getting one of these for each car for a while now, but just keep putting it off. My sister has one in each of her cars and I always thought it was a good idea.

Just since last week, here in Orlando, 3 different cars have ended up in retention ponds, (one woman went into one, out of it and into another!)

Now that we are just weeks away from having a baby, Bob came home yesterday informing me that we are going to have these in the car from now on. Which makes it even scarier... how do you grab the baby up and break a window and swim out in frigid water without drowning... yikes!

Overall I guess being prepared is at least the first step, lots of prayer you never have to use it is the next!

Online it looks like it retails for about $30. Save money at the grocery, but don't hesitate to get one of these for each of your cars!

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