Tuesday, December 08, 2009

Today is the Last Day for Free Marcal Small Steps at Albertsons

Don't forget that the Marcal Small Steps toilet paper, paper towels and facial tissues are on sale this week for $1 so you can use the Free (up to $1) coupon from the 11/15 SS to get it free!!!

Also there is a coupon to get the napkins free (works on the reg price)

**Thanks Amy**

*I was determined to go there today, I was going to drop the sick kitty off, hoping they would put her on a steroid IV, then head over there while I waited for the call that she was all better. Sadly, she isn't going to get better, so I will be missing this deal. I am not leaving the house for anything other than work in the next few days. I don't think she is going to make it that long, but I am optimistic... a little bit.*

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