Saturday, April 27, 2013

[Guest Post] Ever want to put your artwork on people?

I Realized I am a Skilled Tattoo Artist

I had a whimsical idea to become a tattoo artist, and I’ll be honest – I really thought it was going to be a flash in the pan. I wasn’t expecting it to dominate the remaining days of my life, but sometimes, life surprises you. I thought I was going to stink at it. It’s only natural to recognize your short comings when you’re first starting out. It’s what everyone does, no matter what you’re doing. I was not immune from that. I thought I was awful and was never going to get better.

I had a realization that the equipment I was using, hand me downs from my brother in law, really, were old and not that good. That was the problem. Not the only problem, I mean, of course I had to get my skills up, that’s only normal. But it didn’t help that the actual physical things I was using were old. I realized I needed some tattoo machine kits, to get all the materials I needed, like tattoo guns and new needles and inks. That really what was keeping me back.

You get the new stuff and all of a sudden you feel like a new man, like a new artist. I loved it. I remember that first afternoon after getting my new equipment, going home to my wife and saying, honey, I got good news and bad news. She asked for the good news first. And of course that was that I finally for the first time felt like I had a real talent. But the bad news was she was going to see a lot less of me! We had a good laugh. But the hobby has really become more than just a hobby, it’s a way of life now.

Anyway, I got all my stuff at and I can’t recommend enough that if you’re looking to break in, get yourself good equipment on this site.

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