Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Today I was MIA... and I not apologizing

I dropped off some food to a friend today.

I walked into Arnold Palmer hospital for kids and saw this grandmother pulling a radio flyer wagon through the lobby with a little boy who couldnt have been quite 3 years old. He couldnt walk. his face was a little deformed, I'm not sure he could see very well and he certainly was not talking.

On the drive there, for the first time I thought about what if it were me and Atlas sitting in the cardio unit of the children's hospital? I cant bare to be away from my child... I cant imagine anyone else taking care of my child when he has a cold... let alone wheeling him out of the room to have heart surgery.

It seems so taboo to say "once you see it"... I have SEEN it before. But I have never seen it as a mom, myself. It really changes things.

So I spent this morning cooking and cleaning, I went to see my midwife and hear my baby girl, then I went to the hospital and could barely hold back tears. When I got home I played with my child and hung out with my husband. I never once went to the computer to update this blog until well after they were both in bed.

As for the little boy who is having the heart surgery, lets call him Michael and he is only 15 months old on his 8th surgery. Say a prayer for him and his parents. <3 I am certain he will be just fine... but it just cant be easy to deal with.


  1. Thanks for sharing this. U know We just found on in the last month that our 20 year old has cancer on her rib. It is not something we expected and it is far from over. She should be starting chemo in about 3 weeks.

  2. Thanks for sharing this. U know We just found on in the last month that our 20 year old has cancer on her rib. It is not something we expected and it is far from over. She should be starting chemo in about 3 weeks.

  3. Wow! I had no idea! That must have been why you were MIA for so long. Last year I had thyroid cancer. It's simply wild how rampant cancer is these days, but it is awesome that they can remove it and cure it! Prayers to you and your daughter! <3
