Friday, January 29, 2010

Disney Volunteer UPDATE

OK as you may remember, I volunteered at a food pantry for Disney's Give a Day Get a Day program, however my Dear Husband was unable to. His mother went back into emergency surgery after her second back surgery in 1 year. He spent a week in NC just hanging out with her and keeping her company in the hospital. She was in there almost 2 full weeks through the whole ordeal. Thanking God daily, she is out and progressing WONDERFULLY!

I don't know if this was a glitch in the system or just God jumping in and saying, "ehhh it's cool." But today I went to redeem my Disney voucher and both of our vouchers were approved. My stupid conscious will of course call and then make him go do his time at the food pantry. But I found it interesting that this went through. All the more reason EVERYONE should at least make the effort to DO SOMETHING... go HERE to do that.


  1. wow DIsney I'd love to go. Came by to follow you for follow Friday but I don't see your follower link any where :(

  2. I didnt realize until this afternoon I hadnt posted it. You can subscribe in a reader. I will work on the follow thing tomorrow!

  3. Just dropping by to say hello. I will try to remember to come back tomorrow to follow.
    Have fun at Disney.


  4. OK I found it.. it was just way far down.. you mean the google follow button right? I moved it up. Thanks ladies for finding me on Friday!
