Monday, August 15, 2016

[Review] NeilMed - Saline Nasal Irrigation Systems

I hate snot. I hate seasonal irritants. I really hate constant sniffling, not only does it sound gross, but it doesnt sound comfortable. I want my babies to feel good. Plus *I* want to feel clear with no congestion.

I was contacted through Green Moms Meet to review NeilMed Sinus Rinse and Nasal Irrigation items for both adults and children. I will be the first to admit it was a little scary to use it on my 6 year old. I'm not even sure he liked it, but he likes breathing air, so win/win!

My 4 year old was more hesitant to let me try the Naspira. When she was a baby I used the same type of item on her, but from another company, she clearly didnt remember that. The Naspira is a silicone bulb that has a tube that you suck through. It comes with 7 disposable filters, so it isnt as gross as it sounds. It is highly effective though! And you can take it completely apart to clean and sterilize it.

I have been using NeilMed rinses for a few years and I have gotten comfortable with it. The first time I tried it, I think I almost drowned myself. I also didnt realize you were supposed to use distilled water ONLY. That is very very important. Now I boil a pot of water for 5-10 minutes and then let it cool before pouring into the bottle with the saline solution.

NeilMed now makes products for babies too! The PediaMist keeps the baby's nose moist instead of flushing it out like one of the larger volume irrigation systems. It can help alleviate such things as sinus issues, post nasal drip, and allergens in and around the home. Hopefully you'll no longer have a snotty baby!

If you visit the website, they tell you exactly how to use these products and they demonstrate in videos too. You can order directly from their website and get free shipping! Use promo code "MOMSBLOG" for $3 off. You will also find various other products: ear care, first aid, and many different types of sinus rinses in case you arent comfortable with one type or another. I personally like the Sinus Rinse more than the Netipot, but that is just me.

Find NeilMed on Facebook and on Twitter

Disclaimer: I was given these products to try out in return for my honest opinion. All opinions are 100% mine and not influenced by anyone else. 

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