Monday, July 21, 2014

WOW!!!! A Secret Box search!!!

Between July 21st and 24th, there is going to be a mysterious box in Christopher Columbus Park in Boston, MA. Nobody knows why the box is there. Nobody knows what's inside. All we know is that it's something powerful that will bring people together.

Between July 23rd and 25th, there will be another mysterious box in Jessie Square in San Francisco, CA. Nobody knows what's inside of that box, either. We only know that it's something fast, smart, simple, and global. Passersby are encouraged to guess what they think is inside the box using #guesswhatsinside on social media.

While you are at it... enter the official sweepstakes at for a chance to win an Apple iPad Air, a Microsoft Surface tablet, Google Chromebook, or Google Glass!

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