Tuesday, July 01, 2014

So this happened... as did this update.

*Edit and repost

Our beloved neighbor/finger saver passed away last Thursday (July 2, 2015) Jim Schafer was only 64 and was on a fishing and hiking trip with his son when he had a second heart attack in as many years. This man was Atlas' buddy. Every time Atlas saw him outside, he would ask "Can I go talk to Jim?" and we would let him. Same thing every time we got home from being out somewhere... and every time we had to GO somewhere. I would ask Atlas to not bother them if they were working, but Jim and his wife never seemed to mind. I will never stop my child from talking to busy friends anymore. The Schafers would even stop us at the park to talk to Atlas.

Jim was just a really friendly guy and we will really miss him. Atlas is only 5 and we have had questions, LOTS OF QUESTIONS, that we have tried to be as simple and straight forward with, but were hard for him to understand. We prayed. We talked. We asked Atlas if he wanted to say goodbye. Atlas said yes. We gauged it minute by minute and if in the last minute either of us, or Atlas, had a change of heart to "see" Jim one last time, then we would honor it.

We went to the viewing and Atlas was amazing, holding both of our hands, he barely let out a tear. The next day he sat through the 2 hour funeral listening to friends and family, all while never leaving his seat. I dont think anyone knew a 5 year old was in the last row. Aria slept through the whole thing.

After the viewing, Atlas said: "So when we die, we are still alive, just in Heaven."

Yes son, You get it.
RIP Jim, we will check in on and hang out with Peggy often <3

I generally pre-schedule posts to pop up throughout the day so I can hang with my kiddos. My husband just got a new schedule and now we actually have weekends, now I have full time parenting from 3pm past bed time.

Today I failed 2 things... to cut my finger off and to blog post. I only slightly regret one of those. I'll let you guess which.

So around 4:45 my son has to poop. Yes this is significant and he will probably disown me when he turns 15, now. We were all outside playing and I go in, clean up the kitchen and wait for the "I'm done" when I go up and finish up for him. So I decided to cut a box...

OK so hear me out... This last winter was FOREVER long and I didnt complain once. It is my second EVER "Winter" and I would say this Florida girl fared well. So I saw this article a while back about a dad who's daughters boyfriend, or something, came to stay for the winter and he kept them busy building the most amazing igloo... I can do that.

However I have OJ cartons. So I am cutting the only one that I havent cut yet, with a serrated knife. I dont even cut through it when it slips and suddenly my sink is filling up with blood. Crap! Right? I still have to wipe a poopy butt and he normally takes 32 minutes!

Thankfully he was done, I barricaded them inside, darn that 4 year old and his baby gate skills... One neighbor is in Canada, one is just back from vacation and headed back out, and one's car isn't in her driveway... turns out she broke her toe anyhow, so she would be out. I run up the hill to the next neighbor, Jim. Go to ring a doorbell, but cant find it, he is on his porch reading and he startled me by saying "Hi" over my shoulder, "um hey! I just tried to cut my finger off unsuccessfully. I need stitches, Bob is working, the kids are in my house." He says he has butterfly bandaids in his tackle box that might help so he goes off searching his trunk, I'm bleeding. He goes to search around his house, still bleeding over here and trying to be really polite.

Then Atlas bolts out. I head home and explain to Atlas I cut myself, "Did you use your oils, Mommy?" Actually no! Whoops!

Jim offers to help me get the kids in the car seats and realizes the amount of blood I am loosing and offers to drive. YES! THANK YOU!!! Hadnt crossed my mind. I just wanted someone to sit with the kids. I ran inside, grabbed Geranium oil and my purse... off we were.

Driving 3 miles away he asks if I have a reserve tank or something bc, SURPRISE!!! I'm on empty. When he dropped us off and helped the kids out, he took my $20 and put gas in the car, then came back and waited on me.

I dripped dōTERRA Geranium oil on my sever when I gain enough stomach power to look. AMAZING!  No more gushing blood! Serious! I put it on the first time, dabbed, put it on again and >BAM< no more pouring blood! The lady behind the counter had been worried when I walked in, shaking, bleeding, she immediately got me a gauze pack. I didnt even need the gauze. I was using it to hold the floppy skin together.

So the NP goes and flushes under the skin... it was that bad... and the bleeding starts again. I asked him if he wanted to try the oil, he said "I'll just stitch you up." Have it your way... I have to pay for it anyhow and might as well not waste the oils, right? He said it did smell really good... I dont like the smell... but hey, it works.

Four stitches along over an inch long cut and they send me home.... with info on Tetanus bc I declined the shot. The vax will only prevent from Friday for the next 10 years... if my knife gave it to me, then we need to treat it. They werent up for that, whatever. The NP tries the "herd immunity" thing on me... for Tetanus? Really? Sigh.

So as soon as I got home I started with Oregano and On Guard on my feet to prevent infection, yes and at the site of the wound. I also removed the bandage and put Cedarwood AROUND the wound, not on it. It will help the skin heal and the pain level. They dont want me to apply any anti-inflamatory to it, or take internally, so that the skin can stay puffy and stuck together and decrease in swelling as it heals so that it heals cleaner. Made sense. But after 24 hours I will be applying dōTERRA's Lemon, Melaleuca, Cypress and Frankincense. I will continue my roller bottle of On Guard and Oregano until the stitches come out. What is also funny is that they want me to come back in 10 days and pay for them to take the stitches out... b'cuz I have that extra money. 

Soyeah.... I didnt blog today. Shoot me. In the finger.

*If you want to learn more about the oils, leave me a comment and I will get back with you!


  1. Ouch ouch ouch!!! Glad you're ok - did you get that butt wiped??? :-)

  2. HAHAHA Mary! Yes! And seriously... you should get into this oil thing! I could hook you up with Samples if you wanted!

    I'll add you to my Health, Happiness and Oils page!
