Thursday, February 13, 2014

Stay Safe & My Personal Scare Today

My car on the hill that curves around my house.
OK so the snow was supposed to stay South and East of us here in Pittsburgh... and technically it did. Those folks got 1-2 FEET of the white fluff. I left this morning to help out at my son's Valentine's Day party at our church's nursery school. I had to bring my 1 year old, she had a BLAST hanging with the big kids.

When we left this morning, it was snowing, not hard. Apparently it got harder and then never stopped. Have you ever driven up a snowy hill? Well my AWD Subaru did just fine on the hill to my house... but our driveway is about this |-| wide and goes like this |/| I got half way up and started sliding backwards. I gunned it and didnt move a smidge. It was frightening. I put the car in reverse and stood on the break to back... errr... slide down. I parked at the end of the hill and called my husband, shaking.

A friend walking by stopped and asked if I needed help. I took her up on it and I turned around, went back up the hill and parked on the curve right in front of my house. Totally not safe. But we got the kids inside and I'm guessing my 1pm plans are shot. Speaking of shots, is it to early to drink? I mean, I'm NOT going back out!

Hubby came home early and is currently out there shoveling that mess. I thought we were supposed to get above freezing today.... no?

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