Sunday, August 25, 2013

Review - Sybiotics Colostrum Plus & Vegan Smart All-In-One shakes

I was sent several items by Symbiotics to try out with my mommy friends and family and tell you about.
Symbiotics Colostrum Plus - Wild Cherry Chewable

We all know how important Colostrum is for a brand new baby. Colostrum contains antibodies to protect the newborn against disease, as well as being lower in fat and higher in protein than ordinary milk. How amazing if we all had some extra colostrum in our probiotics? Naturade has done that!

Don't worry, this doesnt come from lactating women... Colostrum Plus® comes from USDA Grade A dairies that are hormone, pesticide, antibiotic and rBST free. They use only the first 2 milkings to guarantee potency and quality.

Naturade’s First Immune Defense

  • Helps Strengthen Immune Response*
  • Supports G I Tract Health
  • Bio-lipid® Delivery System
My whole family tried it and liked it! I really was in doubt that my husband would even try it, when I bring new things to him he often raises an eyebrow. But even he liked it and didn't hesitate when I told him it was derived from cow colostrum :)
I wasnt really worried about my mommy friends liking it or not... The thought of colostrum in a pill might scare some people off, but not my natural minded mommies. They all liked it, a few people thought it was a little grittier than they were expecting and would really like a dissolvable chew instead.

PRPs are extracted from bovine colostrum – dairy cows are the most abundant source of raw colostrum available today. The PRPs in bovine colostrum are the same as all other mammals and  can be used as a health supplement for all other mammal species, including humans.

Immulox® Powder comes from USDA Grade A dairies that are hormone, pesticide, antibiotics and rBST free.  They use only the first 2 milkings to guarantee potency and quality.

Naturade’s First Immune Defense™*

  • Restores balance to the immune system*
  • Stimulates an underactive immune system*
  • Safe and effective for all ages
My kid will eat anything in a smoothie - kale, kelp, liver... he had no idea this is healthy. And this is OK for his lactose-free lifestyle. We normally keep it simple and just don't eat ANY dairy. By using this product, my family gets some of the goodness that comes from dairy!
When I shared this with my mommies they agreed, yum!

The last product I was sent, was also a shake, though this one completely dairy-free, gluten-free, soy-free and egg-free; the main causes of food allergies.

They say this probiotic shake is a complete protein, whole food complex with 21 vitamins and minerals, also has fiber and digestive enzymes. Sounds like breakfast to me. My life is crazy in the morning. I jog a few miles, shower, dress the kids, feed the kids and normally have a piece of bread with peanut butter smothering it, then I take my vitamins. I take so many vitamins that I find the heavy peanut butter makes them settle better .. plus I'm on the go and this is quick. HOWEVER... the past 3 mornings I replaced that grainy, sugary breakfast with this shake and I feel great!! Plus it's vanilla. I made the mistake of giving it to my son and he loves it and asks for it all day! No, he doesn't get it all day.

When I shared it with my mommies they liked that it was full of nutrients and only 160 calories. Nothing like shedding baby weight in a healthy fashion!

Everything you need, nothing you don’t

  • Whole Food Complex
  • Non-GMO Protein
  • Vitamins
  • Minerals
  • Omega 3
  • Probiotics
  • Dietary Fiber
  • Digestive Support

Available in creamy Vanilla, delicious Chocolate and tasty Chai

Disclaimer - I applied to try out these products as a Mom Ambassador. All opinions are completely mine.

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