Saturday, August 24, 2013

GIVEAWAY - Hard Candy and Gumdrop Cases

So you werent going to give the toddler your phone to play with. So you werent going to give your toddler you tablet, EVER!!! Well, I am glad to say that I, personally, never did.

I warned Nana that it was all on her when she introduced him to Angry Birds. To this day he has no idea it is on my phone!

And this is not my tablet... I dont have one, but I warned my husband long ago what would happen if he caved... but I'm secretly glad he did bc when I took both kids home to Orlando last month and popped this sucker out when Atlas was getting bored, it worked wonders!!!

So you know they drop things, heck they still fall down. My husband still rolls off the bed!!! Ohhhhh how that makes me laugh. (I wish there were a case for him!) Some phones will survive a fall, tablets arent so lucky. We have dropped that Asus Transformer at least once and that was at least once too many... off to the Asus hospital it went (within warranty - YAY!)... however we were out of the warranty when we were asked to try out this case! The timing couldnt have been better ;-) 

If you dont see the below giveaway, click on the title of this post :)

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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