Thursday, July 11, 2013

How to save on your power bill.... lol

I'm KIDDING! Ugh we were without power for about 24 hours. Anyone else effected by the storms that swept through the Midwest and Northeast?

At least one big ole tree fell across a street and the power lines acted as a hammock. That bright flash was the transformer. It sent up a huge puff of smoke about every 20 seconds from 6pm Wednesday until well after I woke up and took the kids out to see it again (learning experience, right?) I guess it was around 8:30?

 I thought I was a morning person. Turns out I'm really just a coffee and jogging person. Since I couldnt do either I was pretty dang grumpy! My phone was dying, my double jogger and the car was in the garage that doesnt have a door and isnt connected to our house. And clearly I couldnt use my treadmill. My neighbor let me charge my phone in her car... then I brought down the coffee pot thinking we could plug it in with the nifty adapter we were borrowing from yet another friend. It didnt work. Go figure.

They took down 22 trees and restrung 5 power poles. Awesome right? I am sure it sucked worse for many other families. Luckily it was around 70* all day :)

Mother Nature, supplying jobs SMH

Were you effected by the storms last night?

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