Friday, July 13, 2012

Where in the world are we today?!?

Thursday was a long long day. We left at 9:15am and arrived in Raleigh, NC well after 11pm. Pulling a huge moving van that was towing hubby's truck and me with 2 kids, one of which turned 3 weeks old today. We each had a pet with us.

We took Friday off to visit with family and get our groove back and by the time you read this we will be back on the road again to Pittsburgh. Where it would take 8 hours, I expect it to take 10-12. I will have a helper on this leg though. My FIL is following my hubby and carrying some of my load (so I can see out my back window once again) and my MIL will be riding with me and helping to entertain the kidlets.

Once there we will be cleaning a bit the setting up air mattresses and praying the water has been turned on. Unfortunately the cable and Internet wont be on until sometime Monday. I am totally itching to get back here and load you up with deals. I hope you understand and don't leave me, I will be right back!

They say there are 5 things in life that are the hardest things to do - Move, New Job, Buy a House, Birth, Death. Thank God we are only conquering 4 of those 5 right now.


  1. Welcome to Pittsburgh Heather & Family.

  2. Hurry back online Heather, I miss you and you are worth waiting for!

    Good luck getting situated in your new home!

  3. Even just one of those is a major stressor. Good luck with the move and getting situated!!

  4. Thanks! We are unpacked and back online. The 2 year old is having trouble adjusting which is making it so hard on me.... but we will survive. People deal with much harder lives than this daily. I KNOW I am Blessed.. but sucks when things are harder than you expect them to be :-\

    thanks for checking in on me :)
