Thursday, May 31, 2012

Reader Trips - My Publix trip 5/31/12

Forgive me for not typing it all out. If you have been following my blog at all you know I am 9 months pg and this trip has exhausted me and I just want to post my totals and picture, take a nap and then go jogging. Gotta get this baby out before we make the BIG MOVE to PA. 

That beign said, my total was MUCH higher than I would prefer. But I needed some things that just weren't free (darn it) like fruits and fish and Ensure (bleh.. but GREAT to chug after the baby gets here) and the hubby has been asking for sliced cheese, of course I had no coupon for it. The only Freebie was the Phazyme and I think I paid tax on it. :(

Store coupons - $24.00
Vendor coupons - $47.60
Special Price savings - $62.31
TOTAL SPENT - $77.94 - All on gift cards from various promos and focus groups etc (technically this was all free)

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