Wednesday, March 07, 2012

I needed a laugh

You know you're a couponer when...

You open a roll of tin foil and see that the coupon printed inside expired two years ago.

You make your husband pull over when you see a pile of inserts in someone's recycle bin on the curb.

Your son knows who's to blame when his baseball card page holders go missing.

You do the nonchalant "I dropped something by the self-checkout stoop" to see if there are any good catalinas in the trash.

You swear up and down that Gillette will come out with a coupon soon enough, and convince dear hubby to use Schick razors until then. Razor burn or not.

You also convince dear hubby that Skintimate will do until Edge goes on sale. If he gets close enough to someone who notices the floral scent, he's too close anyway.

Edward Scissorhands has nothing over you when it comes to clipping coupons.

The stockboys know you by name.

When a grocery store employee asks if you need help finding something, you chuckle because you could find anything in the store blindfolded, walking backwards, and pretty damn quickly, I might add.

You dream about being on Super Market Sweep because you KNOW you would ROCK it.

Seeing a box with a Boxtop For Ed. still attached to it in the trash makes your hair stand on end like Medusa.

You cry when you find an expired Register Reward or Up+ Reward because you know Walgreen's, CVS and Rite Aid mean business when they say expired.

And you really know you're a couponer when....

You look for the sixteen year old male cashier, not because you're a cougar, but because he isn't going to give you crap over your coupons.

Thanks Goddess!

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