Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Please Pray

I never ask something like this on my blog, but it is the quickest way I can get 10,000 prayers lifted all at once. Please take just a moment. 

And if you can, just Pray without ceasing.

My dear mommy friend had a stroke yesterday and was going to have brain surgery last night. For whatever reason they decided not to. Please pray to God that He provides a miracle and complete recovery, Pray that He gives her husband peace and strength, Pray that He Blesses her 2 year old son with comfort, Pray that He Blesses her mother with safe travels to get here and pray that God guides the doctors hands when they do decide on the correct procedures. Also pray that the baby she lost is in Jesus' loving arms this morning.

Our community of 200 mommies (various mommy groups we share) have been praying through tears for hours and hours on end. God can work miracles and right now we REALLY need one <3

Susan had a major embolic stroke that occluded 2 major arteries in her brain. She was 8 weeks pregnant and lost the baby, not sure if the 2 situations are related or which caused which.

Susan had surgery at 3:30 this afternoon to remove a portion of her skull to allow the swelling in her brain to subside without causing further injury to her brain. She came through the surgery well and the surgeon said she did great. The prognosis is slightly better than originally hoped. She is still in critical condition though and will be for the next 2-3 days at least. She has a very long road ahead of her. Her recovery may stretch into months, even years. We appreciate your continued love and prayers and ask you to keep Susan and her family in your hearts.


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