Monday, February 27, 2012

Extreme Cheapskates - TLC show - o.m.g.

So I have had Extreme Cheapskates set to record for the past few weeks but I finally got around to watching an episode and needless-to-say, it is coming OFF the DVR!

Have you seen this? One guy gets goat heads from the butcher, bc it is cheap.. and he boils and eats them. This last one a man refills his ketchup bottle at home with packets he picks up at fast food restaurants, he asks people in restaurants for their leftovers to take home, he digs through garbage cans for his wife's 25th anniversary roses, he separates 2-ply toilet paper and he washes, hangs and reuses paper towels.

If he would just coupon he would 1. stay clean, 2. not look like a hobo, and 3. save a butt load of time.

What are you a cheapskate with? Serious.. what is your most frugal tip? Also, what would you REFUSE to be frugal on?


  1. Lol probably just adding water to a nearly empty soap or shampoo bottle and shaking it up until its well combined to make a "watered down" version of the original product..
    One episode there was a lady who recycled her toilet paper by using cloths and washing them.. I would NOT do that. I'd buy toilet paper no matter what; there is no way I will ever budge on that.

  2. I am not frugal with certain types of food. I don't care if it's free - I will not buy something that contains HFCS, MSG or trans fats. And there are certain foods that I will only buy organic (meat, eggs, apples, lettuce...).
    I am VERY frugal with baby clothes and baby things. About 95% of the clothes/toys/books I've purchased for my daughter have come from consignment sales. And not only consignment sales, but I go on 1/2 off day!! :)
