Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Who has blacked out in protest of SOPA?

I might be in the minority. But there is no way this new bill that everyone is freaking out about is going to pass. And maybe that is because so many people are standing up to it... regardless I think it is a ridiculous bill and the American public will never accept it.
The issue here is that this law is very badly written, very broadly overreaching and, in at least the Senate version, would include the creation of a DNS (domain name system) blocking regime that’s technically identical to the one that’s used by China. I don’t think that’s the right way the U.S. needs to go in taking a leadership role on the Internet. Wikipedia founder Jimmy Wales

You can check out a list of sites that are blacked out today HERE... even Google. I had to laugh, they are still functioning... just not "there" check it out. 

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