Thursday, January 05, 2012

Freebie - For your baby

Today is an exciting day for me. Atlas and I FINALLY get to go to our monthly La Leche League meeting. We missed the past 2 months for one reason or another. Finally we are both well and have the time to go!

I think the greatest freebie in the world that you can give your child is the gift of yourself and the gift God gave us - the ability to breastfeed. It is so wonderful that we have support groups to encourage and help us through rough patches!

I realize not everyone can BF for whatever reason, but I whole-heartedly believe that everyone should try! Atlas is 21 months and we are still going strong. I finally feel the NEED for support as it is getting more difficult and it is starting to get a little bit painful with being pregnant. But it is still healthy for us both for us to continue as long as he wants to.

I hope you were able to utilize the greatest gift of all for your children too!

*Not to mention how much money we have saved by NOT buying shelf stable formula!! I wish more people were able to get the knowledge and support needed to do this!

To find a local Le Leche League in your area, go HERE

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