Friday, October 07, 2011

Common Ways We Waste Money

Do you waste money?! Of course you do. Don't lie.

Let's see... I waste money on tolls because I like to get to where I am going. I waste money on beer, the pretend kind or the real stuff. I waste money on my kid to keep him happy when shopping. I waste money on myself when I splurge on that coffee while I am out. I waste money to save money on items we wouldn't normally eat... but it sure makes for a special treat! Our biggest money waster is RENT. We still don't own and we have been in this house for 3 years. ::sigh:: nature of the business, we just dont know where we will end up with the hubby's job.

I must be missing a few ways because Lori@MoreWithLessToday has a whole long list of ways we waste money without thinking about it. And I am not talking about the small trinkets that would save us $.35 if we avoided it. Check out her post HERE.

What do you waste money on?
Leave me a comment and share!
More with Less

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