Monday, September 26, 2011

Fraudulent coupons 102 - What to do if you are accused of fraud for a coupon you printed from

Tiffany@MyLitter has had readers try to use the $6.00 off two Schick Disposable Razors (Which is still available!!) at Walmart and they have not taken it.

What has happened is that someone down the line thought that 2 packs of free razors weren't enough and they copied the coupon and used it several times.

I'm no genius, but I know that you can print the coupon twice and compare the numbers on them. Under the alien looking barcode is a set of numbers and it is different on each coupon. If you have both prints in your possession you could certainly show them to the manager if you end up in a case like this. Otherwise, simply call the phone number on the coupon and get it verified. And Tiffany makes a great point ... DO THIS even if it is a $.25 coupon. Your credibility has suddenly been called into question. I would make damn sure they knew I was not doing anything illegal. That is MY reputation they would be playing with, and *I* take that very personally.

You can read what Tiffany thought of the situation HERE.

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