Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Everything I need to know... I learned in Kindergarten

This is simply sweet! Britney@PrudentPatron posted about the new season of Extreme Couponing starting up this week... and about sharing and caring. Something TLC does NOT promote on the show.

These are the things she learned:
Share everything.  You don’t need to clear the shelves. It will go sale again. Leave some for others.

Don’t take things that aren’t yours.  This includes taking every coupon from the tearpad, the blinkie or off the products on the shelves. And don’t even get me started on coupon fraud.

Be aware of wonder.  The wonder of unexpected clearance sales, make sure you have your coupon binder with you.

Season 2 sneak peek - *Do not pop the TV, the characters inside will not feel it.
Live a balanced life. Saving money with extreme couponing is a blessing, but don’t let it take over your life. Make time for all your blessings.

Play fair. Use coupons for how they were intended. Don’t try to sneak one by the cashier. It only hurts all couponers in the end.

When you go out into the world, watch for traffic, hold hands and stick together. Extreme couponing is not a competition; it is simply a way for all of us to save money in a tough economy. Let’s stick together and help one another find the best deals.

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