Tuesday, September 06, 2011

Couponing for the health conscious

I am thrilled to see that I am not the only couponer fighting the urge to tell people that "yes, I do save 90% on my groceries, but my family eats VERY healthy!" People assume we live off Pepperidge Farms and Knorr noodles. Nope, but we dont deny ourselves either. If it tastes good we eat it, but we have a really balanced meal schedule and we exercise. Neither of us are the slightest bit overweight and our cholesterol and blood pressure is on target too...

But sometimes you hear "You cant get coupons for produce and meat." ummmm yeah you can.

Earth’s Best coupons
Stonyfield coupons
Mambo Sprouts coupons
Newmans Own Organic coupons
Organic Valley coupons
Whole Foods coupons

You can read more about other's struggles with dealing with people who think you can't shop the outter band of the store if you use coupons.

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