Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Bricks Coupons 101

A reader emailed me asking what the deal with "bricks" coupons were. I knew they were a heck of a lot easier to print, but here are some other facts about them athat you may not know:
If you’ve been couponing for a while you might know about Bricks Coupons. (These are my favorite type to print at home because they’re so easy! Bricks Coupons are sponsored by
Take a look at a sample Bricks link (you’ll know it’s a Bricks link because of the address, along with a screen similar to the one shown up top):
Depending on the browser you’re using (Internet Explorer, Firefox or Safari), the code (highlighted in red) will need to be slightly different in order for you to be able to print your coupon correctly.

Internet Explorer = wi (vi will also work)
Firefox = wg or vg
Safari (on a PC) = vi
Safari (on a MAC) = xs

Often, if the link isn’t intended for your current search engine, you’ll be asked to install the coupon printer – repeatedly, with no success. If you’re using Firefox to print your Bricks coupon and it’s not working, check the http address. Change the “wi” or “vi” to a “wg” instead (depending on your browser) and you’ll find that your problem is solved! We’ve been able to successfully “fix” the links for many printable coupons with these instructions!

If your coupon is STILL not printing after altering the address, find HELP on the bottom of the original screen. It will take you to a Troubleshooting Guide offering additional HELP suggestions.

If you find that you still cannot print the coupon, fill out the online form to request the coupon in the mail. Note that it will take a few weeks to arrive.

Be aware that Internet printable coupons (often) have limits. If a particular coupon has reached its 100,000 print limit you will receive a message indicating the coupon cannot be printed.

Obsessive Coupon Gal Tip: Most Internet printable coupons allow you to print two coupons per IP address. You could print two from your laptop and two from your home personal computer. Be sure to HIT THE BACK BUTTON to print your second coupon.

* Do not make a copy of your Internet printable coupons. These coupons are coded with special security codes and making copies is considered fraudulent. In addition, stores who mistakenly accept fraudulent coupons will not be be reimbursed by the manufacturer.

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