Friday, September 09, 2011

ALERT - Gevalia is anti-Christian

I wish I were making this up.

A friend of mine just posted on facebook about not being able to receive a shipment from Gevalia that he had ordered. He called and at first they told him it was due to the carrier. So he called UPS, they said they would have shipped it to him. When he questioned Gevalia this is what happened:
While trying to purchase a carfe from Gevalia...per company policy, they refuse to ship their products to any address that is or near any 'church'. When I challenged this policy, no one could give an explanation except "it's our policy". I asked them to email or mail me the philosophy behind their policy and was quickly told that this was not possible; that they had their reasons for the policy but could not discuss or reveal those reasons. Gevalia obviously has something to hide.
So I called - the Gevalia rep said it was their policy not to ship to any address near a church/religious institution or educational institution. She asked if she could put me on hold to double check that information. She came back 6 seconds later apologizing profusely that she had kept me on hold for "so long," but that it WAS their policy. I asked what the radius was so that "if I can't receive their coffee at my address I can have it shipped 5 houses down from me so that I could still get it" and she could not give me that information.

I beg you to not believe me. YOU CALL. It's shocking. Here is the number - 1-800-438-2542

Want to write a letter!?

I will not be using any ads from my affiliates that promote Gevalia. My coffeemaker is by the side of the road and I will never again give them a dime. 

Gevalia is a wholly owned subsidiary of Kraft Foods... that will take some more work to eliminate from my diet if they are aware of this. 

Please share this post with everyone!

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