Thursday, August 04, 2011

Rite Aid - Whats the deal with their coupons?

So I just learned this!

You have to watch a video to print ANY coupon from Rite Aid, but you can print manufacturer coupons (use anywhere) AND Rite Aid coupons (Rite Aid only) and on top of that, stack them if you can! I thought they were all Rite Aid only coupons until my sister had me print her a coupon and I was confused... "We dont have a Rite Aid." I knew she knew that. But it was a manufacturer coupon. I had no idea until just now how you can know if you are about to print a store or manu coupon... That is where Raja comes in and gave me the links!

So even though I don't have a Rite Aid, I can watch the videos and print and use the manufacturer coupons! They may have a Rite Aid logo on them, but you can use them anywhere! YAY!

I've added them to the left hand side of my blog, under favorite coupon sites!

Thanks for the clarification Raja!


  1. That is awesome! I will have to check it out.
    The manager at the Walgreens closest to me (reminiscent of the Grinch) refuses to take any coupons with other store logos. I have shown him the manufacturer coupon part at the top, pointed out that is does not say "for us *ONLY* at such-in-such, and he still yells at me and waves me away! Needless to say, I tend to avoid that Walgreens. Question: does he have the authority to refuse a manufacturer's coupon?

  2. Unfortunately... Probably. We call that YMMV or Your mileage may vary or Your MANAGER may vary. In every coupon policy I have ever seen there is always a clause saying the manager may refuse a sale for any reason. You can call corporate and discuss it with them! I would be very interested to see what they had to say. If you email them, forward me the email and I will share it with my other readers!
    Write or call us at:
    200 Wilmot Road
    Deerfield, IL 60015
    (847) 914-2500
