Saturday, August 13, 2011

OFF TOPIC - Protect your children with FamilyWatchdog

I am in shock that I let it go so long without checking. For so long I have been a regular visitor to and then just yesterday it was brought to my attention that a registered sex offender lives a few houses down from me. WHAT!?!?!? This neighborhood!? Not my neighborhood. There are kids everywhere, always playing in the streets and in all the yards. Well, yes there is. And he has lived here since March 2011. Seriously!? I cant believe it has been that long since I searched the registry!

Plus, look at all the information the website gives me:
  Conviction Date: x/xx/1997  Age at conviction: 40
SX.OFNDR.RE-REGISTR.VIOL.; F.S. xxx.xxxx (14)(a)
  Conviction Date: xx/x/2007  Age at conviction: 50
And  a nice large picture so you can memorize what he looks like. 

*I blocked his numbers so that YOU dont know where *I live :-)

On top of that in the county records he was busted just a few years ago for drug charges.

PROTECT your family. Know your neighbors! Or at least which ones to avoid!! 

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