Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Burger King - Free Nuggets in the mail + $35 in savings

bk coupon book 001 300x213 We Got a $35 Burger King Coupon Booklet in Todays Mail! Did You?

Junk mail rocks!!! I just got a $35 coupon book to Burger King today in the mail... the BEST coupon in it, aside from all the BOGOs... a coupon for FREE Nuggets!!

Was this regional, or did you get it too?

Thanks for the pic Mojo! We got it in Orlando!


  1. we got it. I don't eat BK, but hubby might. I cringe, but if he's going to eat it, it might as well be free!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. SAME HERE!!!! When hubby works on Sundays, he and his photog know they best be using the pile of coupons when they stop to eat! I give them a WIDE variety.
