Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Reader Trips - I stocked up on Diapers at Publix!

I went to several Publix today to take advantage of this deal.
Here is the run down in totals:
10 - Huggies boxes - $19.99

-$3 Publix In-ad coupon
* the in-ad coupon says 1 coupon per item per person... that can be misconstrued to mean 1 box of diapers per person with coupon... that isnt what it means. But I avoided that fight by using 1 in-ad coupon and 1 from a coupon sheet I found a few weeks ago for each box. The fine print on the sheet did NOT say that I could only use 1 coupon per item per person.
-$3 off Huggies 7/17/11 SS

3 Hillshire Farm Lunch meat - 3/$10
-$.30/1 coupons

4 - 8 O'clock Coffee BOGO $6.58 (OMG JUST REALING THE PRICE RANG UP WRONG!!!!! It should have been $4.99!!! I am soooo taking it back tomorrow!)
-$2/2 manufacturer coupon

Club soda - $.69
Centrum vitamins - $9.79
-$1 manufacturer coupon

London Broil - $9.18
Bananas - $1.27
Lettuce - $1.29
Publix Milk - $3.49
-$.75 printable coupon

2 Yoplait Smoothie - BOGO $3.19
-$1 off Yoplait frozen smoothie (Facebook) printable or printable or PRINTABLE (from link above)
or -.75/1 Yoplait frozen smoothie, SS 6/05

5 transactions between several stores
Used 5 - $5/$50

Store coupons - $55
Vender coupons - $38.8
Special price savings - $21.60
Total Savings - $115.40
Total OOP (Out of pocket) - $171.21
*Keep in mind that I bought (10 x $19.99) over $200 (not including tax) in diapers... plus $50 in groceries.
At least that is how I justified it to the hubby.... then I made the baby "shake on it" that he would be out of diapers long before we finished all of these!

So this is what our second and hopefully FINAL diaper stockpile looks like!

1 comment:

CStein said...
