Saturday, July 23, 2011

Couple-o-coupons - 101

I have recently had several questions about coupon printing.

What's up with Couple-o-coupons?
First off, I like to keep LISTS of coupons rather than individual posts like so many blogs post. I want it crisp and concise so you arent wasting your time looking at many single posts with 1 picture and one coupon. This way, you can glance through a bunch of them, if none of them interest you, you move on. If more than 1 interest you, you have one source to print from without losing your spot.

Another thing I get a lot of: "I can't find the coupon"
Yep, you might not. Manufacturers will tell the coupon printing sites "We have 40,000 coupons that you can offer your customers, once that many have been printed REMOVE IT, we will not honor anymore." you may have noticed that some coupons you can only print once from the coupon sites, that is part of it, too. Those are all direct orders from the advertiser trying to get you to use their coupon. Solution: When I post a coupon, and you want it. DO NOT WAIT! Also you can subscribe to my Twitter feed and Facebook fan page to get the deals the moment I post them!

What you can do is try your old zip code, your mom's zip code or any other zip code anywhere! Some coupons are region specific and you cant find the product here, but others are just posted in other zip codes. You can use any zip code, that is legal and fair. I often find that 90210 will have 2+ pages more of coupons than mine does.

What is your favorite zip code to use? I will definately check it out and see how it ranks with some of the others. 

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