Monday, June 13, 2011

Stockpiling - 101

Photo Credit SavvySpendingMommas
Ever wonder what is reasonable for your stockpile? Here are a few good tips to keep in mind:
  • 2 week supply of milk, eggs, and bread. (yeah, not really stockpiling)
  • 1-2 month supply of perishables that can be frozen, such as meat, cheese, berries, grapes, etc.
    • If you can get cheese and meat for an exceptional price - cheese-use ALL of your coupons! I will stockpile bags of shredded cheese for 6 months if possible. I buy meat in bulk and it lasts 3-4 months.
  • 6+ months edible non-perishables, such as canned goods, drinks, packaged food like applesauce, crackers, cereal, etc.
    • These can last much longer than 6 months. If you get an amazing price and have the room.. DO IT!
  • 1-2 years of non-perishables, such as laundry detergent, cleaning supplies, toiletries, etc.
    • You will certainly get these items for free in the next 2 years, so stockpile what you can afford to store... then wait for the next major sale to buy them for free! 

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