Sunday, June 05, 2011

Sign up for my daily email. No.Really.Do.It

I love this... Kristin listed a number of reasons for her readers to follow her.. and they were simply brilliant, but I have a few more ideas to add!
Why you should subscribe to my blog by email:
  • You’ll never miss another post again. Even if you come to the blog every day, you can scan the list to make sure you didn’t miss anything.
  • If you go out of town or you are away from the computer for a few days, each day’s newsletter will be waiting on you in your inbox.
  • If there is a deal you want to do, you can save the newsletter in your inbox and do the deals when it’s convenient for you.
  • If you have a question, just hit reply on the newsletter and type it in. It comes directly to my inbox and I will answer your question just as quickly as possible.
  • If you want to tell someone about a deal, you can do so just by forwarding them the email.
  • If you want to skip having to go to another page or wondering if you missed something from the last time you checked, 24 hours worth is always in the email. You wont miss another deal by accidentally scrolling over it
  • If you have a reason you follow, but I didn't list it, please leave me a comment!
  • Add me to your inbox HERE

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