Friday, June 03, 2011

Reader Trips - My Trip...

There is a word we used when I worked at the radio station when everything would melt down, actually it is a phrase. Since there are 5 different radio stations in the same building - called a cluster, if something bad happened and it effected the whole building... it was a Cluster-____.

That was what my trip today was.

I had 3 coupons for $5/30 and then coupons for everything else. So I had everything on the belt and asked about the new coupon policy and if I had to separate out each $30 to use all of the $/$$ coupons or if I just had to spend $90 (before coupons) to use all 3 of my coupons... at first they said separate them, then a front end team leader said we could do it all together, then a manager said separate. Mind yuo, I had all my coupons stacked on the correct items, but after the second person told us we could do it all together I did what I thought was "helping" the cashier and got all my coupons back up and gave him a stack of "manufacturer" and and stack of "Publix store" coupons...

But now we have to separate them all back out. In the first order he forgot to ring 4--$1 coupons, the manager let him throw them into the second order and I got home and realized that I had left out 2 coupons for the 3rd order. In all I spent about $60... I had expected to spend about $40. But I got 4 packs of toilet paper, 2-12 packs of beer, LOTS of veggies, 4 packs of lunch meat, 10 boxes of cereal, 4 ant baits, 3 creamers and a bunch of other stuff. It was a DECENT trip, not very good though... and whew I was ready for a nap once we had it all done. bleh! Cluster....

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