Thursday, June 02, 2011

Proud of coupons?

Sometimes I am embarrassed to use my mass of coupons... but when I come home and show my husband that I stayed within my budget of $50 but bought him his cereal, cookies, beer and a mess of produce and fresh fish (not to forget the extras I bought for the baby) and he plays the game with me: "How much did I spend?" "How much did I save?" It makes it all worth it... and man, I better step up my game he is getting really good at our game!

Collin posted an email from a reader who has started feeling embarrassed and shameful for using her coupons. I think that is sad. You can read that email HERE.

I find it helps to tell the people behind you how much you saved... I have always gotten "ahh wow!" response. Try it.

Do you have a story about couponing you would like me to feature? Email me at beadandelion at gmail dot com.

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