Sunday, April 10, 2011

Coupon Organization 101 - Coupon Inserts that have expired

OK guys, if you are saving the coupon inserts, throw out everything prior to 1/9/11. They are pretty much all expired.

Coupons I have found from that batch you are throwing out include really rare and almost useless coupon... I dont save a full insert just because there is ONE coupon that doesnt expire for a few months.
But I don't toss any coupons that might be good. I have a separate folder in the front of my coupon box just for those coupons (right behind the file labeled "rebates") and I file them according to when they are set to expire. There are never many, so I can glance through it every now and then to see if I am missing anything good. And at the end of each month, toss the coupons from the first group and move that white tab to the back of the folder. (I dont date these)
So, what is still good? Only these...
$1.50 off Tena pads - yeahhhh never gonna need these, but there may be a drug stor deal to get this for free, then you can donate it!
$1.00 off Beano
$1.50 off Beano melt aways --- wont be getting these unless they show up for free, but it might happen
$4 off Gas-x --- super high value. No clue what these cost, but I cant throw out a $4 coupon ... just in case.
.40 Fleischmann's yeast
.30 off Argo corn starch
.40 off Karo syrup
.55 off 2 cornstock pie fillings
$2 off Sudafed

By 4/30/11 I will toss that set of coupons and glance through the next month. I dont check my inserts to throw them out each month. I pretty much do it when my file box starts getting full.

So say that someone says there is a $2 coupon off Mighty Good Cearal in the 1/2/11 SmartSource.. a lot of times it will say when it expires. Since I no longer have those inserts I can glance through the file by when it expires. Oh, it says it expires 6/30/11? Well the first set of coupons in my folder expire 4/30 (this month) the next expire 5/31, the third set expire 6/30. I check that set. If it is not there, it was likely a regional coupon... I might not have gotten it. You CAN buy the coupons from online places like Crystal's If it is a great deal you can buy a "lot" of 10 or 20 or more of the coupon for a fraction of the coupon savings.

Whatever you do, DO NOT CUT THE EXPIRATION DATE OFF... even if the cashier over-looks it, it is fraud and the store will NOT be reimbursed! Coupon Fraud is a federal crime-
Penalties for those convicted of coupon fraud related crimes vary by each case and the number of laws violated.
As of this date,
Longest prison sentence: 17 years
Highest financial penalty: $5 million
Prison sentences of three to five years are not uncommon. Financial penalties generally vary, but have often been in excess of $200,000.


  1. Thanks for posting! I hadn't looked through in a long time and still had inserts from last October. Now I actually have room in my filing system again.

  2. i was using your system, but i found that i was missing out on a ton of good coupons because they weren't necessarily "great" and so weren't advertised on blogs or matched up with a sale price... but still something i use on a regular basis (eg: milk, butter, etc) sometimes you need these things even if they aren't at a stock-up price. so now i clip and sort in a binder. Yes it takes longer, but i'm using so many more coupons now than i was before. And the ones i know i probably won't use i share with others! by the way, i think its time to organize a CM coupon-swap... what do you think?

  3. Mrs TLC, When you are to a point where you have stockpiled what you USE, then this is a great system.

    I ONLY shop the sales and then I have my own list of things I know we need each week or what we run out of. If it isn't on sale, I go to the coupon database and search for the coupons and find the best one to make the best deal. It is turns out to be a great deal, then I will clip several coupons all at once. Such as Lowry's seasoning.

    I found that when I clipped and used a binder, I did a LOT more impulse buying. Working from a list means I can get in and out of the grocery in a short time PLUS I have a good idea of what I intend on spending.

    There are many methods, you just have to find one that works for you.... but you miss out on the overage and freebies that you wouldnt normally clip if you stick to the binder.
