Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Kim Komando - Daily Download

Become a sculptor on your PC

Ever thought of trying your hand at sculpting? It's a unique art form. You start with a lump or block of something. Then you pinch and scrap and chip and stretch. And inside you find something cool.  

Interested? Great! Now, you just need space for a block of marble or clay. You weren't using your living room anyway, right? Ok, actually sculpting probably isn't feasible for everyone.  

But don't give up just yet. Sculptris is a sculpting program for your PC. It gives you all the tools you need. You can create very detailed sculptures. You can model anything you can imagine. Check out the gallery to see some amazing work.  

Getting started is easy. The left mouse button removes material. The right mouse button adds material. Use different tools to stretch, crease and add textures to the surface. And unlike taking a hammer to stone, you can erase mistakes.

Cost: Free
System: Windows XP, Vista and 7
Download HERE

Disclaimer: I am not paid to post Kim's note in any fashion. In fact, she doesn't even know I post these. I do post them (in sample), however, in hopes that you will find her tips and downloads useful and will also sign up for one of her many brilliant emails! She IS the digital goddess! I hope you enjoy her as much as I do!

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