Friday, June 18, 2010

Does couponing make you buy things you dont need?

.... if you dont think you will eventually (EVER) use 20 tubes of toothpaste... then sure. Mindi has a great post that says everything I was thinking and have been thinking.

During a conversation with her girlfriends...
she didn’t want to get “nuts” with buying things with coupons because “they just make you buy things you don’t need…who needs 20 bottles of shampoo in 1 week?”
And then my other friend turned to her and said “Mindi taught me to never pay for shampoo, conditioner or toothpaste again,  I didn’t NEED 20 tubes of toothpaste 9 months ago, but I didn’t pay anything for it and I haven’t had to pay $3 every other week for 9 months for toothpaste!  I am just now starting to run low on all the free Pantene that I had.  We didn’t NEED that much toothpaste the weeks that I bought it, but we needed it eventually, and what’s more, I didn’t have to worry about buying it for a long time because I knew that I had enough.”
To read the whole post... go HERE
Have you had a LIGHTBULB moment?? Tell us about it in a comment!

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