Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Giveaway - $20/$20 Walgreens rebate

You know I am trying to win this Greenies contest, right? Well here is a little incentive.

This week at Walgreens there are rebate forms (Expire 5/31/10 - Must be post marked by 6/15/10)

Different states got different values. $15/$20, $10/$20... We got $20/$20. This particular Rebate is valid for AZ, CA, FL, IA, IL, MI, MT, NM, NV, OH, SC, VT, WA and WI.

The deal is that you MUST buy 2 Coors 12 packs or Miller (8.99) PLUS 1 750ml Yellow Tail (5.00). then spend $20 on anything and you will get a $20 rebate!

**Go vote for my dog HERE, then leave me a comment and let me know you voted and (Most important - this will prove you actually voted) what the number is up to when you click on the link, make sure you leave your email address in the comment - Vote often and leave a comment each time!

I will pick a winner each day at 5:00 PM EST for the rest of the week (Wednesday, Thursday, Friday)
I will email you and get your address to mail it to you... 
A rebate will be mailed out Saturday, you should have it by Tuesday!


  1. Anonymous7:53 AM

    I voted for you! Good Luck!!

  2. I voted, but I didn't see a place to leave a comment, I did see alink to "tel my friends now" but when I clicked it the opage it took me to was errored out....hmmm well I'll try and vote again tommorrow maybe I'll figure it out LOL

  3. Pixie, COMMENT RIGHT HERE like you did!!! I will use a random generator to pick a number and then pick from these comments... make sure to leave your email address in these comments so I can contact you!

  4. Pixie - since there were 2 numbers, the random generated number picker... picked number 2

    email me your address and I will send out that rebate

  5. I voted :) but the rebate don't help me b/c im in TN.

  6. I did this tonight, but do not have the rebate form; I see in the ad it looks like it's in the store, but I forgot to ask and I had to travel a bit to find a WGs that sold beer/wine. Is it available also online?

  7. email me your address and Ill send you one Kathy

  8. My email is Thanks so much - saves me a trip back! =)
