Tuesday, May 04, 2010

Dawn saves the Gulf

... I'm not sure I buy this Rumor... They claim to do this year around anyhow and I haven't found a link on any bloggers' site saying the money is specifically going to the BP spill in the Gulf. It is mentioned on their facebook page. Regardless, if you feel so compelled to do so, gather up your bottles of Dawn and start typing in the UPCs

I’m sure most of you have heard about the terrible oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico. Dawn & P&G are going the help the animals of the Gulf with your help.

Dawn is donating $1 for every UPC you enter for Dawn dish soap. So if you have bottles around the house, go grab them and head to Dawn Save The Wildlife program to do your part.

You can also follow Dawn on Facebook for updates on their recovery efforts.

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