Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Reader Trips - Kay spent more than a quarter this time!

Kay has this great little hillbilly grocery store (I can call it that bc I had one for 10 years too.)

Piggly Wiggley  has a Greenbacks program where she gets money back everytime she shops. It's crazy! This woman is Superwoman! She feeds a family of 8 (SIX kids!!) for pennies a month... sometimes she is so far ahead of the gang in shopping that she comes out ahead and PAID to shop all month. (I really want her to move closer to me!)
All of this for what? $10? That would be fabulous, but noooo... this is Kay we are talking about. .28 cents. No really. See it HERE

I personally need classes to learn how to get TP and paper towels for next to free... I'd pay a dollar for a pack, phshhhyeah, no problem!

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