Sunday, March 21, 2010

Kim Komando - Daily Downloads

Download of the Day: Week of March 15 - 20

Free software is a good thing. This is especially true when it saves you time and effort. For example, you can create a photo mosaic in seconds. Or fix a flaw in your almost-perfect photo. You can even easily encrypt portable files. And that's just the beginning. 

You don't want to miss this week's free downloads.

Monday: PhotoWipe – Most people now take digital photos. The most frustrating occurrence is a perfect photo spoiled by one thing. Often this is an unwanted object in the background. Salvage the photo by easily getting rid of the unwanted element.

Tuesday: DeskTube – YouTube is one of the best places to share videos online. You can spend hours surfing the site. But jumping online to use it can be annoying. Instead, this program lets you access YouTube right from your desktop.

Wednesday: Airytec Switch Off – Computers use electricity, which costs money. Windows has power management features, but the computer is still running. Sometimes you want it to turn off automatically when not in use. This lightweight program lets you do just that.

Thursday: LockNote – File encryption is a great security tool. However, it can be cumbersome to use. This program lets you create text files with embedded encryption. You can easily open the files on any computer. You just need the password.

Friday: AndreaMosaic – Photo mosaics are really cool. They are also hard to make. Getting hundreds of small images to make one large image is time-consuming. That is why this program does it for you automatically. The free version can handle up to 30,000 photos.

Saturday: Freebies from Microsoft – Windows is the operating system for 90 percent of computers. That's a lot of users to keep happy. Everyone needs something a little different. That is why Microsoft releases these free Windows enhancements. You can customize Windows to suit your needs. 

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