Saturday, February 20, 2010


... Mom is throwing me a baby shower in her brand new house! Last year her home burned down and the family staying in it was forced to move somewhere else. This opened up the door to mom finally building her dream house that I have personally been hearing about for almost 31 years. This will be sorta a housewarming too! I can't wait to see how she has done, almost completely by herself!

I'll be back later tonight... maybe I will post a rare mommy blog. Until then, scroll past this message and read all the post that will be up all day long... ALL.DAY.LONG! (Thanks to my little ghost!)


  1. Have a blast honey. I am sorry to hear about your mom's house but so happy to hear she got her dream house built. Hope today is super great for you!!!

  2. I hope you had fun and I glad your mom got her dream house.

    I'm following you from Friday Follow!

  3. Thanks everyone! It was such a long day I haven't had time to post a follow up OR any of my money saving blogs.. ughhh.. I will get back to it some time after church!
