Friday, January 08, 2010

Publix and Couponers - Rant 3

Ahhhh you thought you were getting off scott-free too huh?


I spent $55 on $200 worth of groceries just fine (break down coming later), I am sad they no longer accept their own coupons after the date nor are they taking competitor $/$$ coupons or catalinas... and yet I hold onto the old ones in hopes... I know I know, I will part with them soon enough.

I was talking with Ruthann last night for a long time and apparently the coupon decision is company wide. I asked if it was our (the couponers) fault... she never gave me a definitive YES, but she did tell me some interesting things. Only about 7% of her customers use coupons. There are people that see one for something they use and they carry it with them... and then there are people like US who are failures if we spend more than 25% on our bill - we make up 5% of that 7%.

What makes me soooo mad is that coupon FRAUD is a big reason for cracking down. Until probably 4 months ago (before I quit clipping) I would go through my coupons and pass on the ones I wasn't using. I know for fact that the lady  I passed them to was not copying them, but I HAD passed on many that I had printed from my computer. I have also printed coupons for other people. BOTH put ME at RISK of coupon fraud. If anyone copies those coupons... it goes back to YOUR IP ADDRESS. And apparently it is a federal offense punishable by reimbursement, fines and jail time. All for a dollar. Dude, go hit up a bank... if you are going to jail, make it worth the story you will end up with.

So I guess this rant was more towards couponers who abuse the privilege than it was against Publix... but I still hate facing the wrath that was deserved by someone else.

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