Tuesday, January 12, 2010

December 2009 - Tally

Yeah, this is late I know. I have been so busy trying to get caught up on life... Taking into account we did not buy groceries one week while we were in NC with the in-laws and I basically took a break from CVS and Walgreens, we still did a GREAT job in December.

* Spent - 16.46
* Saved - 75.26

* Spent - 198.83
* Saved - 864.93

* Spent - 5.11
* Saved - 25.30

* Spent - 1.09
* Saved - 38.89

Total Spent: 221.49
Total Saved: 1004.38

So by not shopping on one week, we cut our bill in half... However, when you save, things come up. We had a sick cat $265, she died $95 cremation, the dog needed food and medications that was almost $200. Plus we had Christmas. We spent less than $50 on almost everyone.. so about $300 there... PLUS my husband had to have birthday anddddddd Christmas in the same month... so that was another $350 spent on him. He made up for it at Christmas when he bought me a new computer mouse.... that's it. At least that saved us some that month. anyhooo... we did good!

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