Monday, December 07, 2009

Slow day... sorry.. sick cat :-(

I didn't post as much as I wanted to today mostly because I have been caring for my ill cat. It doesn't look good and after losing 2 other pets this year I'm really kinda bummed. I don't know if any of you pray, but if you do, please do so for Tobee.

It's going to be a long night trying to keep her hydrated until her appointment at 9 tomorrow morning. We sure hope she makes it!


  1. Praying for Tobee. I lost my Duke August 13, so I know the pain you feel with loosing 2 earlier in the year.

    Please keep us posted on what's going on with Tobee.

    Virtual Huggs!!

  2. The hamster in the picture died in May. Then my 20 year old cat died in August suddenly. It wasn't so hard for the hamster for obvious reasons, the 20 year old died suddenly and certainly for being 3000 years old, but Tobee is really weak and wobbly all of the sudden.

    Thanks Sandra, I really appreciate it! <><

  3. Kidney Failure. She won't survive, but she is not in any pain. The doctor gave me a bag of fluid to inject each day. At best she feels drunk, at worst her tiny mind is already gone.

    Sad day in the Hazen home.
